3 min read
23 Apr

In the absence of a proper framework that allows customers to state their needs and sellers to bridge the gap between the requirements and final results, Emirati customers are often left dissatisfied. This is the initiation of a sales force’s downfall.

Consultative selling to consumers appears to be the framework required to bridge the gap between needs and outcomes and the satisfaction of customers. It is focused on determining the needs and wants of customers, creating value and trust and offering them a solution. Where the first aim may be to build a relationship the second involves providing the right prospect!

Techniques for consultative selling

Consultative selling, however, requires vigorous training by the most professional sales trainers. Opt for sales training specialized in revolutionary sales techniques and working to create a dynamic, successful sales force. Read on to know the basic techniques of consultative selling.

Five consultative selling techniques 

The dialogue between customer and seller needs to be effective and result oriented. However, the dialogue can go both ways which is why it’s important to keep in check a few points when talking to the customer. Read on to know the needs of consultative selling and how they can be met through simple techniques:

Balance all questions with insights

A sale can only be successful if there is an understanding of the customer’s needs involved. And understanding requires careful questioning. Developing a complete picture of the customer's needs is important. But doing this involves questioning, and too many questions may offend customers.

An easier way to go by it is by offering insights while you're asking them questions. Ideas not only build credibility but they also provide a basis for further questioning.

Take ownership of the conversation

Having a dialogue is an essential aspect of consultative styles since there is a requirement for guiding the conversations because the customer needs to know about the abilities of sellers. The sellers should also be prepared to present relevant examples when asked.

When sellers take ownership of the conversations, it’s translated as credibility in the customer's eyes, but it's important to let customers have a turn too, so as not make them feel dominated.

Research customers and needs before calling them up

Since phone conversations are usually shorter than face to face client –seller interactions it’s a race against time. Make sure you complete research in advance. With the basics it’s possible to identify any gaps that need to be bridged and any differentiated values can be identified. Based on the values defined, the customer needs can be accommodated.

Allow feedback to guide the process

Feedback can never be wrong. Any objections offered by clients are invaluable and benefit the working of sellers. It's important however to take notes of all the feedback provided and consider it piece by piece. Don’t wait to talk and ask the client’s perspective on solutions. This leads to a consultative, collaborative solution towards problems.

Build knowledge-based trust

Customers today hope to engage sellers remotely but it's also essential to gain their trust which is a challenge without any in-person interaction. To allow sellers to build trust, sellers can use knowledge and consistency of words with actions. Follow-ups after the calls are also important to show customers that the sellers are reliable.

Take away for consultative selling

As the requirements, expectations, and needs of consumers change, there is a need for more refined selling techniques. Consultative selling is an all-inclusive sales technique which caters to the ever-changing consumer needs and expectation leading to a greater number of sales.

Sales departments need to be equipped with the best methodologies to ensure completion of successful sales. Opt for the best courses of sales training Dubai and allow your sales team to learn the art of consultative selling and gain a few feet on the sales ground!

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